Well, it's my FAVORITE day of the year. Christmas EVE.
Not Christmas day, but the lead in ... the foreplay .... the anticipation.
This day is what I started wrapping presents in November for !
( I had everything done, wrapped and stored b4 Thanxgiving ! )
So, my Christmas tradition since my family separated in 2002 has been the same each year ... even with my "shakeup" last year.
Christmas eve is at my houe - the kids and the "ex" (Donna, not that evil florida banshee) all join me for the Vigil Mass at 7pm, and we come back to a home cooked Ham dinner afterwards. Since all the kids are grown, we open the gifts from Daddy (me) on the 24th. Hang out till midnight or so, and Donna and the girls head back to her house. Then, Christmas morning ...... maybe 9am or so, we all gather at her place for some homemade sticky bunns, coffee and (leftover) ham and eggs ! We open the presents from Mommmy, hang out till mid day and then do some holiday visiting.
Then, on the 26th, my parents and the rest of my family heads to one of the 3 siblings houses ( this year - I get 'em ! )So, that means 24 for dinner in my tiny 6 room house with ONE bathroom ! Yikes !
Truth be told, I LOVE when we are all huddled close together. My sister's both have big houses, and somehow, it's less personal when there are so many places for people to hang out. Old folks gather around the kitchen table, the boys are doing sports things somewhere and the girls hang out with headphones on in someone's room. Too spread out for me ! I like us all to be together. At my house, we have NO CHOICE !
This year I am adding a special visit to our good friend Capt. Russ on the 29th and 30th, so that's another Christmas blessing to be thankful for !
For my global friends that celebrate other traditions and cultures - may I send a wish for peace and happiness to you all, and may the warmth and love that fills my heart at this Holy season spill over into yours!
Merry Christmas all !